Gudenåen is Denmark’s longest river. Approximately 160 kilometers from its source in Tinnet Krat to its outlet in Randers Fjord. On its long way to the sea, Gudenåen grows from hundreds of springs into an impressive stream before spreading out into an adventurous delta. Water has flowed here for millennia – first through frozen glacial Denmark, naked tundra, dense primeval forest and up to modern times. The water still follows the ice edge from the last ice age, but the landscape has changed – and is still changing. The water rises and falls, spreads and continues to gather endlessly – giving life to unique species. Along the river there are unique sights – the great watershed where Gudenåen originates, Denmark’s highest and most southern landscape, Himmelbjerget, Denmark’s largest forest area, one of the country’s oldest tourist areas, mighty and bird-rich wetlands, a grandiose river delta, breathtaking panoramic views, miles of luxurious boardwalks, historic monasteries, castles and manor houses, historic bridges, countless
relics and sacrificial finds.