MIDDLE - The Lake District, Søhøjlandet

Canoeing in Søhøjlandet

Foto: Silkeborg Kommune

From Klostermølle to Silkeborg

Gudenåen runs through Mossø at the westernmost end - keep left to re-enter Gudenåen after Klostermølle. Then sail via Gudenåsø, Ry, Birksø and Alling Å to Julsø. To experience Himmelbjerget, sail along the southern shore and go ashore at the landing stage below. Further towards Silkeborg, you'll pass several lakes, and there are several opportunities for smaller detours - including into Avnsø via Klüvers Kanal. Søhøjlandet is a popular destination for all boaters - canoe, kayak, sups and motorboat in addition to the scheduled boats. There will typically be a lot of traffic here. Show consideration for each other! Motorized vessels require a navigation channel, so it is advisable for canoes, kayaks and sups to stay along the shore.

Find the route on the Gudenå map

On the Gudenå map you can find landing sites, places to stay and eat, places to visit and more. A day trip by canoe is typically 15-20 kilometers.

Between Klostermølle and Silkeborg:

  • Klostermølle – Ry 11 km
  • Ry – Himmelbjerget 7 km
  • Himmelbjerget – De Små Fisk 8 km
  • De Små Fisk – Silkeborg 4 km
Link to the Gudenå map

Read more about rules

On the website sejladspaagudenaaen.dk you can read about canoe rental companies, rules - also for motorboats, find maps (pdf) etc.
Link to sejladspaagudenaaen.dk
Foto: Silkeborg Kommune