Foto: Kom ud - Erik B. Jørgensen

Gudenåen’s three core values and four core narratives

Gudenåen's three core values


Examples for inspiration: Profile what's outstanding. Use image imagery with a wow effect. Communicate the grand and unique stories. Communicate religious stories even more and even more clearly. Create unique physical settings in special places - such as lounge benches, hammocks and think tanks. Develop experiences or create spaces for calm, presence and intimacy such as meditation and yoga along the river. Focus on sustainable initiatives that protect what is natural and clean. Make decisions that create high-quality solutions. Have an aesthetic and coherent visual identity.
Gudenåens kerneværdier
Gudenåens kerneværdier
Gudenåen's three core values


Examples for inspiration: Communicate water as an element in constant movement and change. Tell about the ice age that completely changed the landscape. Communicate the variety in the landscape along the entire river. Also, open users' eyes to the adventure of the wet experience along the river. Use climate stories actively on online and offline media. Offer climate talks and walks - build understanding by putting other European rivers and flood events into perspective. Communicate biodiversity as a result of the perpetual movement of water - wet meadows, seed dispersal with water and rapids as spawning grounds. Communicate cultural history across time - preferably based in one place so that the change over time is clear. Use images of the movement of water. Use before and now images to illustrate changes over time. Provide guidance on aids for a wet hike - for example, galoshes. Use the Facebook group Farbargudenå - set up webcams in places that are often flooded (follow the rules).
Gudenåens kerneværdier
Gudenåens kerneværdier
Gudenåen's three core values


Examples for inspiration: Good infrastructure and physical environment. Top-class wayfinding. Create a vibrant experience landscape by communicating activities along the river. Create a vibrant experience landscape by also communicating accommodation, restaurants, museums, shopping, etc. Focus on the river's natural flora and fauna as an experience destination. Create a unique setting for exercise and health. Create and support vibrant communities such as photo groups, navigable waterways and local hiking associations. Targeted communication - "call to action" and "what's in it for me". Collaborate with outdoor and outdoor influencers. Create partnerships and support commercial actors that offer experiences along the river. Develop merchandise to promote active nature experiences along the river.
Gudenåens kerneværdier
Gudenåens kerneværdier
Gudenåen's core narratives

The iconic Gudenå river is nice

Hold on to the powerful story of Gudenåen as Denmark's longest river at 160 kilometers from its source in Tinnet Krat to its outlet in Randers Fjord. On its long way to the sea, Gudenåen grows from hundreds of springs into an impressive stream before spreading out into an adventurous delta. Take in the incredible story of the water that has flowed for millennia through frozen glacial Denmark, naked tundra, dense primeval forest and up to modern times. The water still follows the ice edge from the last ice age, but the landscape has changed - and is still changing. Tell the magnificent story of the water that rises and falls, spreads and gathers endlessly - giving life to unique species. Highlight unique features such as the great watershed, the source of the Gudenå, Denmark's highest and most southern landscape, Himmelbjerget, Denmark's largest forest area, one of the country's oldest tourist areas, mighty and bird-rich wetlands, a grandiose river delta, breathtaking panoramic views, miles of luxurious boardwalks, historic monasteries, castles and manor houses, historic bridges, countless ancient remains and sacrificial finds. It's allowed to brag!
Foto: Claus Moestrup, Favrskov Kommune
Gudenåen's core narratives

SYD - Land of the Gods

On this stretch, man is small in the grand scheme of things. Here, the Gudenå River flows from its source through the land of Gudar. In this otherworldly landscape, nature's beauty surpasses itself. That's the core narrative in a nutshell. Here nature seems untouched and enchanted. Highlight the intimate and magical nature experiences along the narrow river - the jungle-like river banks, clusters of water primroses, tree crowns overlooking the river and the moss cone brewing. Use the legend of the demigod Gudar, who robbed the beautiful Else and thereby created the meanders and name of Gudenåen. Describe animals and plants as magnificent and miraculous creatures. For millennia, people have lived in harmony with nature and performed religious acts along the river. Tell us about these people - for example, the Woolly Maiden, who appeared in a sacrificial area along with several skeletons and offerings in jars from the Iron Age, and Klostermølles monks who harnessed the power of water. Keep in mind that the landscape here invites silence, peace and contemplation. Speak to the senses with words that can be felt, smelled, tasted, heard and seen. Highlight the Great Watershed, the country's largest oak scrub, Tinnet Krat, babbling springs, Denmark's largest fen area, Uldum Kær, with plant and animal life worthy of special preservation, unique views from Sukkertoppen and not least The Rediscovered Bridge.
Foto: Niceshot David Jervidal
Gudenåen's core narratives

MIDT - The recreational Lake Highlands

Beneath the nationally renowned Himmelbjerget mountain, a wavy mosaic landscape spreads where the Gudenå River flows through one of Denmark's oldest tourist areas from the latter half of the 19th century. Let that be the core narrative. In Søhøjlandet, people have vacationed, recreated, hiked in the hills and forests, sailed on the lakes, bathed at sea and practiced scouting sports for centuries. There is a common thread leading to modern Silkeborg, known as Denmark's Outdoor Capital, where people are still active in nature. There is a well-developed network of trails and other facilities, and people meet each other in communities at annual events such as Regatta and Denmark's Outdoor Festival. Focus on the cultural-historical story of how public health came into focus during early industrialization, especially among the better-off, and how the Holiday Act later made mass tourism possible. Describe the magnificent Lake Highlands with Himmelbjerget as Jutland's first tourist attraction. Highlight restaurants and souvenir kiosks, seaside resorts, spas, holiday colonies - and the world's oldest paddle steamer, Hjejlen, which still sails guests out on Julsø among canoes and small boats. Describe the landscape with its striking panoramic views and sea-green nature as recreational with a focus on how it is good for body and soul.
Gammelkol voldsted på Himmelbjergruten nord
Gammelkol voldsted på Himmelbjergruten nord
Gudenåen's core narratives

NORD - Land of the barge dragons

From Silkeborg to Randers, Trækstien runs through the landscape of barge dragons - the trail itself takes its name from them. This stretch already has a strong and well-known narrative, which can be cultivated even more. Today, we follow in the footsteps of the barge dragons on raised paths and wonderful boardwalks with terraces overlooking the iconic Gudenå. You walk in a world of water through adventurous wilderness, past the country's largest dammed lake, through sacred river valleys and under historic bridges. Tell the story of Trækstien, barge towns, towns that grew up around barns, æ swot man and historic ports such as Tørvebryggen in Randers and the port in Silkeborg. The core narrative should appeal to emotions and evoke identification. Tell the human stories of the barge dragons. Feel free to draw threads to rivers in Europe to put the story in an international context - it strengthens the core story. To the north, salmon leap in historic fishing waters where salmon farms once stood side by side. Anglers stand at the edge of the silvered stream in search of the big catch. Describe this angler's paradise and emphasize the European standard of the fishing waters. Tell us about the unique river landscape near the mouth. Where barges used to set off, today canoes, kayaks and SUP boards zigzag between islands of reeds - the river is very important to the locals. Trace the roots of modern Randers in the wild river and delta surroundings with magical nature experiences. Emphasize the recreated wet meadows. Draw the Gudenå River into Randers in a story of intelligent climate protection with a unique rainwater basin, climate bridge and Randers River City. Here, river and city grow together.