MIDDLE - The Lake District, Søhøjlandet · 04/09/2024

Groundbreaking ceremony at De Små Fisk

On Monday, September 2, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the shelter and swimming area De Små Fisk in Silkeborg. The first task is a new toilet building, and the first sod was cut by Deputy Mayor Johan Brødsgaard, member of Sejs-Svejbæk local council Inge Findorf and forester at Søhøjlandet Nature Agency Søren Hald. In addition to a new toilet and service building, there will be a new bathing jetty and the area will be renovated with new picnic and seating areas. De Små Fisk is an important hub on the Himmelbjergruten trail, which will also be part of the Gudenå Trail from source to fjord.

On Monday, September 2, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the shelter and swimming area De Små Fisk in Silkeborg.
The first task is a new toilet building, and the first sod was cut by Deputy Mayor Johan Brødsgaard, member of Sejs-Svejbæk local council Inge Findorf and forester at Søhøjlandet Nature Agency Søren Hald.
In addition to a new toilet and service building, there will be a new bathing jetty and the area will be renovated with new picnic and seating areas.
De Små Fisk is an important hub on the Himmelbjergruten trail, which will also be part of the Gudenå Trail from source to fjord.read more about the Gudenå Trail project via the link.