MIDDLE - The Lake District, Søhøjlandet

Churches and monasteries in Søhøjlandet

Below you can read about the monasteries that were located in Søhøjlandet in the Middle Ages and some of the churches you can visit today.

Foto: Øm Kloster Museum

The monasteries of Søhøjland

The Lake Highlands were rich in monasteries in the Middle Ages. Not much is preserved, but they are all worth a visit. Where Øm Monastery once stood, today you can visit the ruin park, a small museum and the monastery garden - beautifully down to Mossø. Where Voer Monastery once stood - also right next to Mossø - you can experience the monks' canal, which the monks dug to harness the water power, and the beautiful old paper mill. And Veng Abbey Church still stands as one of the oldest and most exciting churches that is now a parish church. Read more below.

Monasteries in Søhøjlandet

Voer Kloster/Klostermølle

Today, there is no trace of Voer Monastery, which in the Middle Ages was located where Klostermølle is today. The Monks' Canal, which is the canal, or part of the Gudenåen, that you can canoe along today, was dug by the monks to harness the Gudenåen's water power. Today you can experience the beautiful old drying barn from when it was a paper mill. Listen to its long history in the podcast Klostermølle: 900 years of cultural history". Photo: Bendt Nielsen.
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toerladen ved klostermoelle
Tørreladen ved Klostermølle, foto: Bendt Nielsen
Monasteries in Søhøjlandet

Øm Kloster

Øm Monastery is beautifully situated by Mossø with the ruin park, the monastery garden and the small museum that tells the history of the place. The monastery is interesting for many reasons, including the Øm Monastery Chronicle, which gives a unique insight into the monks' everyday life, but also the many skeletons and the monastery garden, which gives us insight into the monks' medical activities and the surrounding canals, which show how the monks knew how to supply the monastery with running water.
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Øm Kloster Museum
Monasteries in Søhøjlandet

Veng Kloster

There are many indications that the monastery is one of Denmark's oldest from the latter part of the 11th century, and that it was endowed with large and rich possessions. But it only remained a monastery until 1168, when the monks moved to Kalvø. The monastery church, which is Denmark's oldest standing monastery church, was then converted into a parish church. Veng Church is remarkably intact, with many architectural details from its past as a monastery church and is one of the country's very special medieval churches. The altar table made of freestone remains from the monastery era.
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Veng Kirke
Monasteries in Søhøjlandet

Ring Kloster

Ring Monastery was located at the southeast end of Skanderborg Lake. The late medieval monastery consisted of four wings, of which the north and west wings were two-story, while the church formed the south wing. The half-timbered barn and the large stable are both located on the site where the monastery once stood.
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ring kloster
Ring Kloster

Read here about some of the churches in Søhøjlandet

In Søhøjlandet you can visit both Sct. Søren's church, which was an important pilgrimage destination in the late Middle Ages, and several examples of beautiful modern churches - including Lysets Kirke in Virkelund. Read along below.

Churches in Søhøjlandet

Sct. Sørens eller Gl. Rye kirke

In the late Middle Ages, the church was a large Gothic transept church, which can still be seen today in the form of grass ramparts that mark how big the church was. In the late Middle Ages it was frequented by pilgrims who came to drink from the nearby St. Søren's Spring, which was said to have healing powers. The church was the setting for the famous meeting July 4, 1534, where Chr. d. The 3rd was elected king, which was the starting point for Denmark to become Lutheran. Photo: Bendt Nielsen
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sct soerens kirke
Sct. Sørens Kirke, Gl. Rye
Churches in Søhøjlandet

Ry kirke

Ry was inaugurated in 1909 and reflects the growth of the station town. After DSB built a station in Ry in 1869, Søren Sørensen from Svejstrup saw the opportunity for a new livelihood and built a grocery store and an inn near the station. From here, the development of Ry went fast.
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Ry Kirke
Churches in Søhøjlandet

Tulstrup kirke

Tulstrup church north of Knudsø may have been built as a mission church ca. Year 1125 - just a day's journey from the bishopric in Aarhus and centrally located on the old royal road between Skanderborg and Viborg. It is also close to the Gudenås system, which was an important waterway at the time. The building's apse of freestone (source limestone) is the oldest and the same age as the apse of the monastery church in nearby Veng. The age of the church has also been assessed based on the church's now whitewashed Romanesque frescoes.
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Churches in Søhøjlandet

Sejs-Svejbæk kirke

The church is centrally located in Sejs-Svejbæk, which is beautifully situated between the Sindbjerg and Stoubjerg hills and the Silkeborg Lakes. The architect is MAA Niels Frithiof Truelsen Svendborg, and the church was inaugurated in 1889. The choir walls are designed as a large three-winged altarpiece and consist of almost 2000 painted white ceramic tiles. The artist is Mogens Andersen. The large three-dimensional Jerusalem Cross was hung in front of a graphic artist Erik Ellegaard. The cemetery was designed by landscape architect MDL Torben Schönherr and is inspired by the spiral nebula of a galaxy, in this case the Milky Way, as an expression of the divine. The galaxy symbol can also be found on the iron cover in the center of the parking lot. The sculpture, located in the center of the cemetery, is made by artist Erik Heide. An equilateral cross is carved into the stone, and the light seen through the cross symbolizes preaching.
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Sejs-Svejbæk Kirke
Churches in Søhøjlandet

Virklund kirke

Virklund Church has been called the church of light because light plays a major role in the church space. Built in 1994, it was designed by Danish architects Johannes and Inger Exner, who like to use natural light, open spaces and exposed construction details. The font and altar are designed by Johannes Exner and made of Norwegian marble. Above the altar hangs a stainless steel cross made by silversmith Bent Exner, Johannes Exner's brother.
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Foto: Bo Nørgaard
Churches in Søhøjlandet

Mariehøj kirke

Mariehøj Church was inaugurated in 1958 and is an expression of the growth of Silkeborg. The architect is Viggo Hardie-Fischer, who was inspired by church ruins in medieval Visby on Gotland. The church is built in yellow bricks and a wooden pyramid-shaped tower is built over the center of the church. From afar, it can be seen in its 'yellow' form. Kneeling, it rises above its surroundings. Mariehøj Church is one of the most beautiful and striking examples of modern, semi-traditional church building in Denmark.
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Mariehøj Kirke
Churches in Søhøjlandet

Silkeborg kirke

Silkeborg Church is from 1877 and Silkeborg's first church. When the paper mill opened in 1844, only a few people lived here, but eventually the town grew - and needed a church. The church is a Romanesque-style chancel church designed by architect Sibbern.
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