
Business meetings in fall 2024

GudenåSamarbejdet invites to three meetings for businesses working with Gudenåen.

Invitation to meetings

GudenåSamarbetet organizes three meetings for the industry around Gudenåen:

  • ét i NORD on November 1 at 9-12 at Hotel Randers – registration deadline October 24 at 12 noon
  • ét i MIDT on October 30 at 9-12 at Vejlsøhus – registration deadline October 21 at 12 noon
  • ét i SYD on November 8 at 9-12 at Sandvad Kro – registration deadline November 1 at 12 noon

The target group is anyone who works with the Gudenå River and its landscape in their business – or who would like to do so.
The meetings will provide information about the trail project and the work with core stories and values, inspirational presentations about working with Gudenåen in your business and gather input from those who work with and around Gudenåen in their business.
If you are interested in receiving a program, please send an email to the coordinator of GudenåSamarbejdet Gunhild Øeby Nielsen gunn[@]favrskov.dk.

Read more about the core narratives for the three areas - NORTH, MIDDLE and SOUTH