Below I test the 4 different Slider Lego bricks

Basic and Accordion Slider are similar in expression - appetizer - presentation

Basic slider - max number of 3 slides

Overall link.

slide 1

can hero anything - except categories! - but also external links (alternative to image accodion). Only 3 slides. Only 1½ lines

Slide 2

external link - can NOT open in new window (maybe with html coding)

Slide 3

Here I have not selected a link. White "Short color" - it's behind the text

Accordion slider
only three activities/posts - and one page [here: More about Gudenåen]

Link to More about Guenåen
Foto: Bendt Nielsen
SOUTH - Land of Gudar

Gudenåstien – from Voervadsbro to Klostermølle

SOUTH - Land of Gudar

Gudenåstien - from source to Uldum Kær

MIDDLE - The Lake District, Søhøjlandet

Himmelbjergruten - north of the lakes

Tagline 1 (slider)


In a slider, I can write text, get an image - (note image for background is very narrow at the top behind the tagline text) and link endlessly - alternative to image accordion, as you do not need to create posts to display them (link externally). But you can also link internally to Pages. The slides are created manually. And you can write more text than in the other sliders......
Read more about climate change and flooding
Tagline 2

The cultural history of Gudenåen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et laoreet leo. Nulla molestie tortor et lectus efficitur maximus. Mauris et diam vitae lacus congue viverra. Vivamus non quam sed orci ornare varius vitae vel dolor.
Read more about Gudenåens Kulturhistorie
Helligåndsklosteret i Randers
Tagline 3


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et laoreet leo. Nulla molestie tortor et lectus efficitur maximus. Mauris et diam vitae lacus congue viverra. Vivamus non quam sed orci ornare varius vitae vel dolor.
Read more about the towpath
Tagline 4

man kan også linke eksternt

here for a museum, for example
Read more about Museum Jorn
Helligåndsklosteret i Randers
tagline 5


Tagline 6


Tagline 7


Activities Slider
I have selected some activities/posts - and a page [kulturhistorie]

The cultural history of Gudenåen
Foto: Francesca Dolnier og VisitAarhus
NORTH - The Land of Bargemen

Canoeing in the north

Canoeing in the north
SOUTH - Land of Gudar

Canoeing in the south

Below I test the 2 grids

Activity Category Grid
You can select both sub and parent categories; I have selected Visit Attractions and Viewpoints and Attractions - smart grid

You can create both internal and external links here
Visit attractions

Discover the sights of Gudenåen

Viewpoints and natural gems

Viewpoints and natural gems

Activity grid
You can link and select Categories (both below and above - but ALL posts are retrieved - you can't select)) and Areas. Selected Churches & Monasteries

More about Gudenåen
Foto: Destination Kystlandet
SOUTH - Land of Gudar

Churches and monasteries south

Sct. Sørens Kirke, Gl. Rye. Foto: Bendt Nielsen
MIDDLE - The Lake District, Søhøjlandet

Churches and monasteries in the middle

NORTH - The Land of Bargemen

Churches and monasteries north

Below I test the Lego brick Text & Image

This is the Lego brick Text & Image

It’s great for short presentations. You can also select Map instead of Image but not deselect the many icons. You can format the text . You can choose whether text or image should be on the right

Art Center Silkeborg Bad
Foto: Silkeborg Bad

This is also Text & Image but here I choose Detail Map

Here I have chosen map instead of image. More specifically, Detail map and map id from the oplevgudenaa map – where it shows Silkeborg Bad AND parking and places to eat. The map is active, so clicking takes you to the map. I have chosen to place the map on the right. You can also select Overview map. I’ll try that below.

Silkeborg Bathroom

Text & Image

Here I select the overview map and place this TV. I have chosen Churches and Monasteries in Søhøjlandt because I can’t choose Churches and Monasteries (at the entire Gudenåen) because it is a category. On the Map I can “only” select the entire category which is 110. It works very well – the map is active so you can move from it to the location you point to.

Churches and Monasteries in Søhøjlandet

Below I test the Lego brick Picture & Map

First detail map - Silkeborg Bad, then overview map (churches and monasteries). No option for links. However, it is in this text box so it can supplement

Maps & Links ... Simon has fixed it - but it's still acting up - I'm not using it

This includes testing Heo, CTA Banner and

Foto: Randers Kunstmuseum

This is Hero

What it says here

CTA Banner

Here you can enter a maximum of 120 characters. But you have to do something or the headline looks weird
Randers Art Museum
Foto: Randers Kunstmuseum

What’s the difference from Hero (and CTA Banner? Not good to know… I can’t add an image – yes I can here in the text box – I do it now


Randers Art Museum
Randers Art Museum

In this Lego brick I can choose many different elements. Here I have started with text. So I add Image, Video, Button, Testimonial, Partners – I try it in that order.

Randers Art Museum
Foto: Randers Kunstmuseum
Here's a statement about something mogens mogensen A title - on the statement or what?
Partners - here you can get the logs from the footer

text again – now I’ve been through all …. I have selected sidebar and show categories and tags