MIDDLE - The Lake District, Søhøjlandet

Gudenåstien - from Klostermølle to Ry

From Klostermølle you can walk north along the Gudenå trail to Gl. Ry - an important medieval pilgrimage destination - and on to Ry. Note that from Emborg Bro the path is signposted Vandreruten Århus - Silkeborg.


Short description of the route

The trip could rightly be themed as the medieval route, as you pass several important medieval sites. Klostermølle is located where Voer Kloster was in the Middle Ages, and Sct. Søren Church in Gl. Ry was an important and major pilgrimage destination in the late Middle Ages. If you walk a few kilometers to the east, you'll come to Øm Kloster, which today is also a museum. Note that the route from Emborg Bro is signposted as Vandreruten Århus - Silkeborg.

St. Soren's Church, an important pilgrimage destination in the Middle Ages. Photo: Bendt Nielsen
Sct. Sørens Kirke, Gl. Rye. Foto Bendt Nielsen

Between Voervadsbro and Ry you can walk along the Gudenå Trail and – from Emborg Bro – the Aarhus-Silkeborg Hiking Route. Between Klostermølle and Ry, the landscape is open.

For example, you can park

The map shows the entire Gudenå Trail from Voervadsbro to Emborg Bro. The Gudenå municipalities are currently working to link the many Gudenå trails together into one coherent and uniformly signposted route.

Read more about the trail project here

Experience along the way

Find experiences along the way on the Gudenå map - monasteries, churches, museums, podcasts and other stories in the landscape
Find experiences along the way on the Gudenå map
Foto: Bendt Nielsen