NORTH - The Land of Bargemen

The towpath - from Svostrup to Ans

The route from Svostrup to Ans is 17 km long and goes via nature trail, wooden bridges and forest road. At Kongensbro, Trækstien passes the Aarhus-Viborg highway.

Foto: Claus Moestrup, Favrskov Kommune

Short description of the route

From Svostrup to Ans, Trækstien is a nature trail with small benches and seating areas where you can eat your packed lunch or take a short break. In Kongensbro, the towpath changes sides and continues – via the shelter on the other side of the river and a footbridge suspended under the road bridge – towards Ans and Tangeværket.

From Ormstrup Skov to Sahl Rasteplads, Trækstien runs along a forest road. At Sahl Rasteplads there is access to Ans on the other side of the lake via Ans Bro.

The original course of the towpath along the banks of Gudenåen can be found at the bottom of Tange Lake. When Tange Lake was dammed, barging from Silkeborg to Randers was no longer possible.

See the description of the entire Trækstien here and see the five sections as pdf at

Experience along the way

Along the route you can experience Tvilum Church (opposite bank), æ swot man, Kongensbro Kro and Høj Stene.
Find it on the Gudenå map