NORTH - The Land of Bargemen

The towpath - from Silkeborg to Svostrup

Walk the 11.6 km from Silkeborg town to the barge inn Svostrup.

Short description of the route

The section from Silkeborg to Svostrup Kro was renovated in 2016 and 2017. It is approximately 12 kilometers. Along the way, you’ll walk on Denmark’s longest boardwalk – over a kilometer. In several places you can see the “terraces” that the meltwater created as it flowed through the valley towards Randers. During periods of high water levels in the river, Trækstien can be flooded.

Cycling is allowed on this stretch – but be careful! Combine with cycle route 30, which also leads to Svostrup Kro, where you can both eat and sleep.

This section is the southernmost of the five. See the description of the entire Trækstien here and see the five sections as pdf at

Foto: Svostrup Kro

Experience along the way

On this stretch you can experience Sminge Lake, where there is a bird tower and Denmark's longest boardwalk.
Find it on the Gudenå map